Frequently Asked Questions

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How long does a session last?

The initial sessions typically last for 60 minutes, after you've determined what kind of benefit the Device provides you can then adjust the session times to better fit the patients needs.

Can I go in with my pet/patient?

Under most circumstances, it will benefit you as well as the pet!

How do I get the pet to stay inside?

Sitting with them is the easiest. Other options include placing them in a carrier or crib that has minimal metal.

How long does a patient have to be involved with these sessions?

This really depends upon the health condition and symptoms you're trying to improve. Some conditions are chronic (symptoms have been present for many years) and therefore may take several weeks to determine if the sessions may help, some are not and patients may feel better very quickly. Like most natural methods of improving health, the technology requires a level of commitment to determine how much the Magnesphere can help.

Are relaxation sessions covered by Insurance?

Please check with your insurance coverage.

How do I know this works?

In general Energy based therapies (i.e. the application of electrical, electromagnetic fields, sound, heat, laser, or light to the body) is a fast growing field in healthcare, generating billions in revenue over the last few years. There are many different FDA approved "energy based" technologies and well designed clinical studies that demonstrate unequivocally that the body responds not only to drugs or chemicals, but also to energy based modalities. We have studies in both animals and humans that suggests a potential biologic effect, with our electromagnetic fields.

You will be the best judge as to what effect the relaxation sessions have on symptoms (those typically associated with stiffness, pain, inflammation, wound healing and energy level). Live blood studies are one way to validate changes in the blood morphology.

What is the Theory of Operation (or Mechanism)?

Based upon studies at the University of Oklahoma's Heart Rhythm Institute involving our technology. Our low-level electromagnetic field appears to be stimulating the Vagus Nerve (which runs throughout the body), and bring about a change in the balance of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The balancing act between the Sympathetic branch ("fight or flight") and the Parasympathetic branch ("rest and digest") of the ANS is measured by Heart Rate Variability (HRV) a biomarker for the ANS. An imbalance in the ANS can make the symptoms of disease or chronic conditions worse. HRV as monitored from an individual's heartbeat, is a real-time indicator of both cardiovascular health and general well-being.

Another theory comes from the study of the fourth phase of water and the exclusion zone (EZ water by Dr Gerald Pollack). As radiant energy is exposed to the blood cells, the EZ expands allowing the RBC to separate (removing rouleaux) and promoting better cellular metabolism. This effect is readily demonstrated with live blood studies.

Does the technology treat diseases like Arthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Hip Dysplasia, and Cruciate Injury?

Though we don’t claim to “treat” these conditions, we have seen significant clinical improvement in many cases. The sessions enhance feelings of relaxation, and this allows us to address "chronic stress" which is thought to play a key role in many different disease states or conditions. Accordingly, there are a number of studies that support many different aspects of "health improvement" when stress is reduced.

To be clear... the Magnesphere:tm: DOES NOT diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Do you have different magnetic field strengths for different health conditions?

Research indicates that different tissues (i.e., muscle, bone, nerve) respond to different magnetic fields. Therefore the proprietary magnetic field strengths and protocols are changed to maximize the relaxation response for particular types of tissues. Finally, the Magnesphere:tm: system makes it easy for Healthcare Providers to match the patients Health Condition with the type of tissues involved, and select the appropriate magnetic field or protocol for the pet.

Should I try the relaxation sessions instead of prescribing drugs?

Absolutely not. The relaxation sessions are "complementary" to your healthcare treatments. Do not use the Magnesphere:tm: "instead" of, but "in addition to".

Is this technology safe?

The Magnesphere:tm: is classified under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulation 21 CFR 890.5660. Under this product regulation the Magnesphere:tm: device is classified as a Class I medical device, exempt from 510(k) Premarket Submission. The FDA Product Code for the Magnesphere:tm: is ISA by the Physical Medicine Review Panel.

When Should Magneceutical™ relaxation sessions not be used?

Magneceutical:tm: therapy relaxation sessions should not be administered to Patients with the following Health Conditions:

  • Implanted electrical stimulators in the Brain
  • Chronic Atrial Fibrillation (Poorly Controlled)
  • Epilepsy
  • CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)
  • High Blood Pressure (Poorly Controlled)
What makes this device different from magnets in bracelets, necklaces, or mattresses?

The Magnesphere™ is very different from every other magnet or magnetic system in use today. The key differences are that it provides:

A "whole body" immersion into a uniform electromagnetic field (EMF). It is therefore able to provide a specific field strength over the entire body.

In contrast most other systems are treating only one portion of the body, and are doing so with a field that is not uniform.

A Cloud-based therapeutic that is also a learning system, so that as future research provides more information, improvements and enhancements will automatically be provided. Finally, with over 100 protocols, the electromagnetic fields (EMF) are specifically tuned for particular types of tissues that play a role in your patients health conditions. This allows us a much greater chance of achieving a relaxation response and improving the patient’s symptoms.

Why should I add this to my practice?

If you are looking to improve your current “tool box” of therapies, exceed client needs and expectations, and practice cutting edge medicine, then take action now and enjoy the rewards with better patient outcomes.

The relaxation sessions involve no drugs, no surgery, and no pain,

  • so the potential Risk is that nothing happens, but
  • the potential Reward is that you improve the patients health and quality of life!
We can't think of a better reason to give the Magnesphere:tm: a try!

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The Magnesphere™ is intended to enhance feelings of relaxation, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

©Copyright 2025 Magnesphere™. All Rights Reserved.
Magneceutical® is a registered trademark of Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC.
Magneceutical Health™ and Magnesphere™ are trademarks of Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC.