Let the Healing begin at Home

The Patriot Project (and its 800+ participating Chiropractors) are teaming with Magneceutical Health (and its game changing therapeutic technology) to bring much needed HEALING to our Veterans (and their battlefield stresses, strains, and pains), without the use of Drugs, Shots, or Surgeries.

The numbers are staggering and the Veterans Administration cannot meet their needs:

  • 2.3 million Veterans served in Iraq and Afghanistan wars and @ 20% suffer PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) and/or Depression
  • 260,000 diagnosed with TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury)
  • 22 Veterans die by Suicide everyday (2-3 times the National Avg)

But we have another Solution for our Wounded Heroes and they need your Help to get it into their HOME:

A natural energy based therapeutic treatment deployed through the skilled hands of the Chiropractors at the Patriot Project... the Magnesphere HALO™. Our Device will provide a "relaxation response" that helps in addressing any number of symptoms commonly associated with the Stress of the Battlefield... Pain, Stiffness, Energy Level, and Poor Sleep.

We have a cutting-edge technology that, when combined with the skill and commitment of the Chiropractors at the Patriot Project, can make a huge impact on a veteran's life in ONE DAY. All without Drugs, Shots, or Surgery ! You can help by contributing to the campaign or by becoming a member of the Patriot Project and providing your skills to help our military service men and women.

Please visit our "Wall of Fame" to see a list of some of the people who have made generous contributions to the HALOs for Heroes initiative.

The Magnesphere™ is intended to enhance feelings of relaxation, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

©Copyright 2025 Magnesphere™. All Rights Reserved.
Magneceutical® is a registered trademark of Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC.
Magneceutical Health™ and Magnesphere™ are trademarks of Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC.