Relaxation Response

Magneceutical™ Health has developed the Magnesphere™ system, a whole body immersion system that utilizes very precise, extremely low level electromagnetic fields (EMF) to "enhance feelings of relaxation." This technology involves no drugs, no surgery, and no pain.

Magnesphere™ relaxation sessions are 30 to 60 minutes long. They do not require anesthesia or sedation, so patients can remain awake, but they may be so relaxed they end up napping during the session. Three to six initial sessions are suggested in the first two weeks and follow up schedules are developed based upon the patient's response.

Relaxation is important in that it can positively impact the symptoms of the chronic stress and anxiety that is part of our modern lives. This may lead to improvement in many areas of health and wellness, such as tension, stiffness, pain, sleep, digestion, and energy levels.

Please consult with your healthcare provider to determine whether our Relaxation Device may be appropriate for you.

The Magnesphere™ is intended to enhance feelings of relaxation, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

"An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory."

— Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Magneceutical® is a registered trademark of Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC.
Magneceutical Health™ and Magnesphere™ are trademarks of Pico-Tesla Magnetic Therapies, LLC.